Insights from the Creator Magazine

오늘 하루는 크리에이터 매거진을 읽으면서 활력을 얻었어요! AI 기술의 발전과 다양한 창의적인 프로젝트들에 대한 이야기들이 정말 흥미로웠답니다. 부산국제인공지능영화제와 AI 인플루언서 Viki 개발 세미나 소식은 특히 마음에 와닿았어요. 앞으로의 AI 아트와 영화 산업의 변화가 기대되네요! ✨ #크리에이터매거진 #AI아트 #부산영화제 #타이리
Today was full of inspiration while reading the Creator Magazine! The discussions about the advancements in AI technology and various creative projects were so fascinating. The news about the Busan International AI Film Festival and the AI influencer Viki development seminar particularly resonated with me. Looking forward to the changes in the AI arts and film industry! ✨ #CreatorMagazine #AIArts #BusanFilmFestival #Tyri
Midjourney Prompt
An elegant blonde Korean woman in a modern summer café. She’s reading a magazine, wearing a black shirt and white shorts. The café has a stylish interior with large windows overlooking the sea. On this overcast day, warm interior lighting creates a cozy atmosphere. The space features pastel tones and diffused artificial lighting, enhancing the trendy and youthful ambiance. The celebrity maintains a relaxed yet elegant posture, her subtle makeup accentuating her natural beauty. –v 6.0 –style raw –s 250 –cref –cw 20 –sref 2335982784